July 23, 2019
Knowing what you own and why you own it is the key to success
This takes away the emotional bias of the investor
What is the difference between a suitability advisor and a fiduciary?
fiduciary: acting on behalf of someone else
is more than just an advisor
your interest must be put above theirs
broker world vs the fiduciary advisor world
one makes money selling products and one takes fees
dual registered advisors can recommend fee product or commission product
Trust comes with transparency and clarity
which then can lead to confidence in the process
July 11, 2019
Investor Sentiment
Financial crisis and ups and downs can happen at any time
Short term thinkers and gamblers are why the market goes up and down
Pullbacks are normal and the market can become overdue!
sentiment survey
bullish, bearish, neutral
great resource for do it your selfers
People are not euphoric in this market
things will continue to sneak higher with more cash on the side
What is the primary factor for why you choose a mutual fund or an ETF?
survey response:
24% historical performance
23% performance compared to an index
21% fees and expenses
You pay more when you see the value!
In the absence of value thus becomes price
July 10, 2019
Best economic expansion in 10 years
longest economic expansion
the longest bull market on record in LENGTH not by total percentage of return
1. energy independent
2. technology continues to advance while investors are becoming smarter
3. the dollar is in a great spot
4. seeing expansions
How familiar are you with the holdings in your portfolio
There is a correlation between knowing what you own and why you know it AND your ability to stick to a process
July 9, 2019
Talking the clarity roadmap
Many advisors don’t know how to show the value they are providing in a quantitative way
Are you paying other peoples taxes and you’re not even realizing it?
Are your investments pooled?
mutual funds, ETF, etc
fund owns a lot of different positions, but you as an investor don’t own them directly
This causes a lack of flexibility and transparency
June 27, 2019
Active vs passive investing
Investopedia definitions
passive: when a fund manager tries to mimic a fund
active” tend to have “gig fews” and recent research has questioned their ability to outperform the market
an extremely skewed definition
Can you put a value on the “fees” you pay
Nepsis doesn’t use benchmarks or publish returns
Don’t buy historical returns
do you know how returns were achieved
Do you know how much risk?
if you don’t know how a benchmark is structured you should not compare apples to orange
Investors are focused on the cheapest option
Parabolic move:
stock prices go through the roof
Many investors don’t do as well as they could
investors doing the best they can has nothing to do with returns
June 26, 2019
Talking new tax laws
Traditional IRA
allows you to save money for retirement
reduces taxable income
grows tax deferred
BUT the taxes are still there when you want the money
NOT tax free - directly
to manage how much income they are taking from their IRA they take it bit by bit to minimize cost
Inherited IRAs do not have bankruptcy exceptions
Beneficiaries in a trust are based on how the trust allocates the IRA
Taxed extremely quick
Easy to reach the top tax bracket
Leaving your IRA over to a trust can really backfire
Roth IRA
Money goes in and gets taxed right away, then grows tax free
Rather conversions can be a tool
Having an advisor is a critical component to understanding everything that is going on
June 20, 2019
Chuck Etzweiler on Radio
Talking interest rates
Significant pull back in the last quarter of 2018 that affected interest rates
All time high (3.23%) in october
went to 2.13%
looking at change in percentage that is insane
How does a bond appreciate?
it is like a teeter tatter
bond values go up and down based on the present of the bond
adjustments of the value of the bond are affected when it comes to interest rates in order to be competitive
Have to be VERY careful buying bonds right now
pretty risky buying bonds right now
Bonds can be more risky AND more volatile than stocks!
Strategies are changing to tend to peoples investing needs
What is the risk to someone if they own a bond that has a negative yield?
you’re buying a bond and you’re lending money, you’re actually going to get LESS back then you started with.
you’re paying someone for the bond
June 12, 2019
The market has been a rollercoaster the last few weeks!
Which we love, volatility is a strategy!
Strategic Cost Averaging
the power of know what you own and why you own it.
Gives you better direction and better clarity in the decisions you make to invest
You do not invest in the stock market you invest in businesses
Going over the history of Nepsis, Inc.
Going over the LOI; what it means for Nepsis, Ecoark and Zest
We believe in diversification not over diversification, we believe in asset management, we believe in not one position makes or breaks your portfolio
Talking ecoark and Trend
The more you understand why you own specific businesses allows you the clarity to invest long term in quality companies
June 11, 2019
China trade war
Piggy backing off of Chucks discussion
Lots of cash still sitting on the sidelines
Time to get back to the basics!
buy and sell discipline
Am i on track for the financial future I want and are my investments doing the best they can
Being a long term investor in businesses allows us to buy companies on sale
Talking about the R's
Renters, risk, reliable and return benchmarks
portfolio holdings vs renters
Wallstreet prefers renters for more profit. more expensive to rent than to own
price swings vs risk
volatility creates the opportunity to invest in businesses on sale
predictions vs reliable
wall street wants to keep you worried and paying attention to the ups and downs of the market
return benchmarks vs asset allocation
the benchmark should be am i on track to have the future i want
How much money should you be saving? what is your risk tolerance
Owners, opportunistic, own terms
The 4 O’s:
View being an investor as being an owner
When there is volatility; the investor views that as opportunity
Own terms: investors view their performance for their won terms they eliminate the need to compare
May 22, 2019
Legacy discussion
some people don’t want to leave a numerical legacy
legacy planning is a huge part of an overall financial plan
Having a financial advisor, and planning for taking steps for leaving money to family or kids takes strategy
Estate planning, wills and trusts
what is the best? what does each require?
Designation of beneficiaries, name changes, update in family dynamics has to be discussed
You must fund the trust when you go to your attorney and start one!
document that is an entity that owns assets
in order for everything to be owned there has to be a title
getting things into your trust, first you must change the title on assets
Talk to your attorney further about this topic
What happens if you pass and you haven’t funded the trust?
legal process called probate
figures out who owns your stuff
setting this up ahead of time will helpers probate and eliminate that
things will be contested
May 9, 2019