Episode 229

In this episode, Mark asks: will mortgage rates continue to go higher? Should you refinance your house? Smaller mortgages may not make sense due to the cost of refinancing. Aa sound investment plan requires clarity and understanding in what your money is invested in. For more mortgage help head to bankrate.com. The probability of interest rates going much lower are rarely small. What is the strategy behind tax planning? The biggest danger people have is they don’t know what they don’t know.

October 10, 2017

Episode 228

In this episode, Mark talks about how you should anticipate what markets are going to do or what the movement of certain investments will do. Do not pay attention to technical numbers too much. Market are “over bought” right now so a market crash is coming. Humans are often irrational, with feelings being nudged by their environment. People focus on the wrong things when it comes to success - short term and fees is what most people focus on. Investors feel 5x more pain in loss than they do in euphoria from gain. Today's investors feel very uncertain when it comes to control over their portfolio, with news and overload of information.

October 9, 2017

Episode 227

In this episode, Mark talks about how if you don’t understand how a return was accomplished, how do you even understand the amount of risk taken to get that return? The power of knowing what you own and why you own it. Most of the time markets are going up and people are happy with status quo - just happy their investments are going up for the year. Most people do not know or understand risk adjusted return. A mutual fund is not an investment, an etf is a vehicle, and fees are relative. The fee may be the dollar amount you pay but what are the other values you’re getting? It is extremely difficult for the average investor to look at a return and fully understand what that means. Sometimes nicer things cost more money - investing and saving are different. 

October 5, 2017

Episode 226

In this episode, Mark talks about how you must be a long term investor. Nepsis' Investment Policy Questionnaire can help you understand your tolerance for risk. If you fear a stock market crash coming; why do you have that fear? Make sure that your assets allocation is conducive to your tolerance to volatility. Figure out what you actually own in your portfolio, you may find that knowing takes away your fear. Allocate your portfolio in a way that helps you reduce volatility. Stock market corrections should not make you worry and guess what to do with your money.

October 4, 2017

Episode 225

In this episode, Mark asks, what are the markets going to do? Markets are hitting all time highs and Nepsis is continuing to be extremely bullish. SPY up just over 1 percentage point in two weeks. This is the most hated bull market in history and we're hitting new highs with companies no one has heard of. Fees are not the enemies of investors even though the media focuses on fees and returns. Investors should be focusing on value and expectations. Are you on track to have the financial future you want to have?

October 2, 2017

Episode 224

In this episode, Mark talks about Bitcoin and how it's the big talk lately, everyone is asking about it. He also discusses how the markets are doing. Markets will continue to move higher and there is always time to be investing. Mark also talks about monitoring your identity and how momentum trades do not trade on fundamentals, they trade on emotional people trying to ride a wave - that is not investing. People get emotional, especially when it comes to chasing things. You must be careful when you make an investment in something like Bitcoin. 

September 14, 2017

Episode 223

In this episode, Mark talks about the Alpha Conference for hedge fund/money managers where they talk about idea and the market. He also talks about indexing and buying index funds (the media has done a good job telling investors to compare their portfolio to the S&P 500) and tax reform, which will stimulate the economy. You never know when the bubble is going to burst. So much money flows into S&P 500 index fund companies. He also talks about PE Ratios - some companies may have high PE ratios because people are banking on future earnings. We're shifting into an environment where active managers will provide more value. Bonds are not great investments, they are beta mitigators. As interest rates go up, banks will make more money because of interest rates. There are different spikes in sectors: do you even know what sectors you’re invested in? “An epic stock market crash is coming” - investors continue to disbelieve the rally. Your portfolio should be allocated in a manner (includes being diversified) based on your investment goals.

September 14, 2017

Episode 222

In this episode, Mark talks about how volatility creates opportunity and sales creates the ability to buy. You have to be very careful how much you invest in companies. You must understand where the exposure is and what that means for the company. The quality of management in the companies you invest in is very important. When you invest you do not do so in one company just to own it, you invest for an overall strategy. Reinsurance stocks are great, but it should only be a competent to help accomplish investment and planning goals. Risk management is incredibly important when it comes to risk assessment in the economy and your portfolio. You need to be investing in good businesses in this current market. There still could be corrections and black swan events. It continues to be a great opportunity to invest in good businesses over time.

September 12, 2017

Episode 221

In this episode, Mark talks about insurance companies' growth and profit in time like these with hurricanes. Flexibility is what allows you to buy more of great businesses on sale. Some people are so focused on returns they aren’t focused on inflation, purchasing power, or time in investments. Purchasing power is ultimately what allows you to buy things. Focus on risk - this should be the number one reason! Short term moves in some stocks, not reasons you make long term decisions or why you invest in those companies. Cyclical and volatile stocks should be managed in a way you can get out or take profit when you need to. Mark also talks about the anxiety index, a gage of investor sentiment based on behaviors around the world. People become for bearish when the market is volatile, when you should be more on the bullish side. Buy and sell disciplines are equally important. The process is what makes you a successful investor - don’t be emotional in your investing.

September 7, 2017

Episode 220

In this episode, Mark talks about how cyclical stocks are going to be more volatile and whenever you make an investment decision, you must look at risk adjusted return. Owning energy stocks right now is not worth the risk for the reward. There is strategy behind asset allocation and investing in insurance companies. Are we on the cusp of a correction? How "bad” is September is for investing? S&P is down just 1% - if you’re a long term investor why put yourself into anxiety over it? Strategically invest in businesses over time, don’t put all your money to work right now. Longterm bull markets do not end when sentiment is this negative. Bonds are considered to be a flight to safety by many. People are taking their money out of more volatile investments. Own bonds to reduce volatility in your portfolio. Bonds can become very detrimental if you invest in the wrong ones with a spike of interest rates going higher- look at yield to maturity.

September 5, 2017

Episode 219

In this episode, Mark talks about the process of clarity in your investments leads you to better investment decisions. You pay people to watch and manage your money, but those people don’t understand what to do and why. That's why people buy variable or indexed annuities. The reason people buy annuities is for the guaranteed income rider. One of the big selling points of buying index annuities is that they have the greatest amount of flexibility possible and transparency possible to help investors through financial situations. The value of assets will go up and down. Being able to reposition your portfolio for the up side will be most important. Measurements for a poor performing portfolio is not the rate of return, it is whats called “risk adjusted return”. How much risk is being taken to get the associated rate of return? If the long term fundamentals of the business has changed, we move out.

August 24, 2017

Episode 218

In this episode, Mark talks about how a lot of the performance of the S&P500 has been driven by a few companies. The bigger the market cap of the company the bigger the effect on the index. You should have money invested in emerging markets and international stocks to add diversification. Successful investing is about asset allocating properly and owning great businesses over time. Have an understanding of what is in your portfolio in the first part. In Headline vs the Bottom Line, Mark tales a look at what you do own and what is in the portfolio. How much volatility can you tolerate as you build on your portfolio? How much of a pullback can you emotionally handle? Communicate with your advisor and continually looking at the structure of your portfolio and how it would look if there was a portfolio.

August 22, 2017

Episode 217

In this episode, Mark talks about how the economy has a lot more to go even though there may be a pullback. Do not make decisions based on indexes. Expansion in what people are willing to pay for your company. Ask yourself, are my investments doing the best they can and am I on track to have the financial future I want? Is all active management bad? Past research highlights that active management under performs when market leadership narrows (fewer stocks out perform the benchmarks). Broader markets should improve active management performance. The economy is still in expansionary form. Comparing your investments to a benchmark may work in the short term, but it wont work in the long term - you have to be willing to stick to it.

August 21, 2017

Episode 216

In this episode, Mark talks about how stock market corrections are healthy. Investors need to develop a strategy of strategically investing where you want to be. Businesses will adjust as long as you stick to your buy and sell discipline. Corrections give the investor the opportunity to take advantage to better their portfolio. When we have a correction and it's down 5%, you should put at least 25% of your money to work. When 10% rolls around, you want to put the other 25% to play. Corrections now will go much quicker and happen faster due to technology you must be prepared to be able to take advantage of opportunities. If you’re “fully invested”, rebalance your portfolio. 

August 17, 2017

Episode 215

In this episode, Mark talks about how not every client is a good client. He also discusses how beating a benchmark or index is not realistic - the only benchmark you should have is against your goals and your objectives. A person's principles or standards of behavior or one's judgment of what is important in life. How important is your money to you? Financial advisors are not providing value, as value is relative.

August 16, 2017

Episode 214

In this episode, Mark talks about "good news for stocks and gold”. There's over $16 trillion sitting in cash. He talks about an article: Opinion: 6 reasons to sell stocks and go to cash. Many investors are too risk averse to put money into the market, but flexibility and transparency are crucial to investing for success. Know your risk tolerance and investment objectives. People are beginning to trust financial advisors less and less.

August 15, 2017

Episode 213

In this episode, Mark asks what process do you use, what's your sell discipline and your buy discipline? There are long term consequences when it comes to short term decisions. It's not "am i beating a benchmark?", it's "am I on track to accomplish my goals?" What is long term, a month, a year, three years? At what level do you decide and investment is long term? Why do investors purchase when stocks are going up, but they won’t buy when stocks are going down? He also discusses Morningstar stats: there has been a 20% correction once average every 5 years, which was long over due.

August 14, 2017

Episode 212

In this episode, Mark talks about 10 reasons you should never own stocks again. “People should not waste they money in stocks”. It's not about picking stocks and then watching them go high. It's buying stocks, watching and waiting them go all the way down and then back up. You aren’t owning stocks, you are owning businesses! How do you position yourself to be successful in the businesses you own in the stock market? You hedge. Great businesses have good years and they have bad years. The greatest wealth creation has been by owning businesses, public or private.

August 9, 2017

Episode 211

In this episode, Mark talks about the difficulty in investing in ETFs. Over time, investors expect the stock market to go up, but there are periods of corrections and time when the market is flat. Investors can make money in businesses in two ways: growth in earnings or expansion in the multiple. You have a strategy that will allow you to stay on track. Index funds have to buy the stocks that are in the index. He also talks about the 4 criteria for sell discipline and how investors feel a false sense of security. It's about sticking to a process and investment objectives.

August 8, 2017

Episode 210

In this episode, Mark talks about how the market is far from over when it comes to hitting all time highs. What is the ultimate investment strategy for my money? Business owners do not like to invest in “the stock market” because they like to know what they are invested in, so they invest in their own company. The ease of index funds comes with risk: “the index out performs money managers”. Investors don’t understand how indexes are structured or how returns happen and everyone is pouring their money into indexes. When everyone follows that, you own stocks that are extremely expensive leading to a big correction. The popularity of index tracking funds now account for over 30% of AUM, but investors must understand funds and they pitfalls. Computers are driving programs and trades, and investors think they are diversified when they go and buy an index fund. Diversification is not the only factor. You must also recognize the correlation factor, a term used to look at the correlation of how much two different investments move in the same direction. Asset allocation is what diversifies your correlation factor.

August 7, 2017