You get what you pay for
Correction and some of the company affected and what they are doing now for portfolios after the fact
Where are we in this but market?
Will lead to serious tremendous opportunities
News of the day: Warren buffet interview
We need to eliminate “short term-ism”
The idea of looking at your investments with short term thinking
Stop providing quarterly earnings guides
Investing starts with the idea of knowing what you own and why
Brings greater clarity to the investor
We all work hard for our money
But money has a different value from person to person
With any war, you want to be in a position to win. In investing its the same thing
Do you think xyz is going to go away?
If it’s $100 today but it was $150 a few months ago; ask yourself if the long term fundamentals have changed. if they have not then why wouldn’t yip purchase at a lower price
June 7, 2018