On this episode, Mark talks about:
- What's coming in the next ten years?
- “Software will disrupt most industries in the coming years”
- Think ahead when it comes to your investments
- If a corporation makes money
- It's going to go back to the owner in the form of a dividends
- It may go into the bank account of the corp
- Directly investing in their own business
- The tax plan does not only help the rich
- Wide economic moat
- Sustainable competitive advantage that a business has that makes it difficult for rivals to compete with
- The only benchmark you need is whether or not you’re reaching your goals
- When things are going well a sense of complacency takes hold in investors
- When things are going well we have the herd mentality
- It is process that enables you to be successful
- It's important that you have a plan of action to help you with your investments and accomplish your goals
- Static rebalancing
- Rebalance back to the static percentage
- How do MLPs and LPs compare to stock
- Stock is equity in a business
- Most companies that trade on the exchange or c-corps
- MLPs and LPs have a place in your portfolio depending on your goals
December 12, 2017