- Today was a crazy market
- “Algo” Day
- FAANG stocks
- Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google
- Very high valuations
- It is extremely important to have a buy discipline and a sell discipline
- Why is it important for people to understand the FAANG stocks and their movement
- If you’re feeling a sense of discomfort or feeling nervous about your portfolio it might be time to sit down with your advisor and assess your risk tolerance
- Make the appropriate adjustments in your portfolio
- We are only talking about a VERY SHORT period of time
- 18-19% increase in earnings in 2018
- Properly asset allocated portfolio is overlooked and extremely important
- It's virtually impossible to look at someones portfolio on a quarterly or annually basis- you need to give it 5 years
- You can’t be short term thinking if you want to be successful
April 3, 2018