Head of research Chuck Etzweiler joins on the show
the underlying fundamentals and technicals of a business can tell you when to invest or sell
strategic cost averaging
there is strategy in deciding wether or not to invest in a business or not
buy and sell disciplines are extremely important as well as how you will execute your asset allocation strategy
going over headline vs the bottom line
traditional money management: using a cookie cutter process of allocation
based on investors risk tolerance and objectives
growth of mutual funds and ETFs have had a negative impact on investors
“why do i not own more bonds?” “why do i have so much money in cash”
cash is an asset, and part of an asset allocated portfolio
paid to know when to OWN cash
the most important thing is not where it is asset allocated or how, it is more about the volatility of the portfolio (beta) during good times and bad times is conducive to your objectives and risk tolerance!
discussing the changed the rules on the inverted yield curve
March 28, 2019